Our single origin washed coffee offering is from the Cauca region of Colombia. The farm sits at an altitude of 1,400-2000 masl and is of the Castillo varieties.
Manos Juntas is a micromill in Sotara area of Colombia's Cauca region, operated and managed by our exporting partners at Banexport. The entire concept of this micromill is based on simplifying tasks and responsibilities, for both producers and Banexport. Key takeaways about this program:
- Producers deliver and sell coffee in cherry form to Banexport, by total weight. The riper the cherry, the heavier it is. This encourages better harvest practice that directly correlates to higher quality.
- Producers get paid upfront for their coffee, typically producers have to wait 35 to 40 days for coffee to dry before selling it.
- Banexport guarantees to pay producers a fixed price well above the market value for these cherries.
- Producers involved are from surrounding farms. This means they need only to travel a short distance to deliver coffee, as opposed to driving many kilometers into town.
- Coffee infrastructure, like drying beds, fermentation tanks, and depulpers, can be very expensive to purchase and maintain. With this model, farmers can forgo all of this hassle and focus on maintaining healthy trees.
X Cooked berry
X Mellow chocolate
X Red Wine
X Roasted to a city +